NSLI-Y 2023 Korea – Week 6

Week 6: Wrapping Up an Unforgettable Journey

The Culmination of ACES NSLI-Y’s 6-Week South Korean Adventure

As the sun set over the vibrant city of Seoul, the sixth and final week of the ACES NSLI-Y program in South Korea came to a close. This week was unlike any other, filled with bittersweet farewells, proud accomplishments, and cherished memories that will forever hold a special place in the hearts of the ACES NSLI-Y students.

The sixth week of the ACES NSLI-Y program was a whirlwind of activity, as students eagerly prepared for their culminating project presentations and final assessments. The air buzzed with a mix of nerves and excitement as each student put the finishing touches on their projects, showcasing not only their linguistic prowess but also their deep appreciation and understanding of Korean culture. The presentations served as a testament to the incredible progress these students had made over the past six weeks, as they confidently navigated complex topics in Korean and engaged their peers and teachers with their insights.


Cristina, Sean, Julian, Sebastian, Korean Teacher Dasom, Aditi, Addie, and Francine.


Cristina, Korean teacher Dasom, Julian, Sebastian, Sean, Addie, and Aditi.


Amidst the flurry of academic commitments, the students were treated to a heartwarming lunch with their dedicated Korean teachers. This intimate gathering provided a precious opportunity for students to express their gratitude and share their personal growth experiences. Laughter, stories, and even a few happy tears were exchanged, as the bonds forged over weeks of rigorous learning blossomed into genuine friendships.


Sean, Radley, Sebastian, Korean teacher Dasom, Korean teacher Bokyung, Ezra, Julian, and Andy.


Victoria, Anju, Mentor Minju, Julian, Andy, Radley, Sebastian, Sean, Ezra, Korean Peer Partner, Addie, and Aditi.


The pinnacle of the week, and indeed the entire experience, was the grand graduate celebration. A jubilant atmosphere filled the air as students, mentors, peer partners, and coordinators gathered to commemorate the achievements of these exceptional language learners. Dr. Kim, the Vice President of Dankook University, was present to personally hand out the highly coveted certificates to each student. The room echoed with applause and cheers, a resounding acknowledgment of the dedication and hard work that had brought them to this moment.


VP Dr. Kim with students and Korean peer partners.


Dr. Kim, Natelia, Charis, Francine, and Victoria.


Dr. Kim and Sebastian.


Dr. Kim and Charis.


Dr. Kim and Radley.


Julian, Sebastian, Sean, Korean teacher Yejin, Radley, Korean teacher Bokyung, Andy, and Ezra.


Sean, Julian, Radley, Andy, and Ezra showing off their DKU letterman jackets. 


Aditi and her Korean Peer Partner.


But the festivities didn’t end there. Each student was presented with a ‘yearbook,’ a cherished memento chronicling their six-week journey, from tentative first steps to confident linguistic strides. With pens in hand, they eagerly signed messages of goodwill and friendship in Korean, a symbolic gesture of the lasting connections they had formed during their time in South Korea.

As the final days approached, the students spent cherished moments with their host families, reflecting on the transformative experiences they had shared. The day of departure arrived, and the students were met with a heartwarming surprise – their host families had gathered to bid them farewell. Tears flowed freely, and hugs were exchanged as the bonds of kinship that had formed over such a short time were celebrated and solidified.


Korean peer partners Aditi, Korean teacher Yejin, Korean Teacher Bokyung, Andy, Radley, Julian, Ezra, and Sebastian.


Korean peer partners, Cristina, Coordinator Jiehyun, Mentor Minju, Addie, Natelia, Charis, Francine, Victoria, and Anju.


Ezra with host brother.


As the ACES NSLI-Y students embarked on their journeys home, a mix of emotions swirled within them. Gratitude for the opportunity to immerse themselves in Korean culture and language, sadness at saying goodbye to newfound friends, and a sense of accomplishment for successfully completing the program filled their hearts.

In the end, the sixth week of the ACES NSLI-Y program in South Korea was a poignant reminder of the transformative power of language and culture. These students had embarked on a remarkable journey, embracing challenges, forging connections, and leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of everyone they encountered. As they scattered to different corners of the U.S., their shared experiences would forever bind them, and the memories of their time in South Korea would continue to inspire and shape their paths ahead.


To the Airport: Before the Departure from South Korea.