On Saturday, July 20, RD Neil Kubler, Mrs. Kubler, and Coordinator Shanshan visited six students in their homes. The first to be visited that morning was Christina:

Next we visited Alyssa and her Chinese host family:

After that we went to Jesse’s home. Here she is with her Chinese family:

Then it was Lauren’s turn. Here she is with her Chinese sister:

After visiting Lauren, we moved on to German. Here is German with his host father:

Finally we visited Gabby and her host family:

One highlight of the past week was a class on Chinese paper-cutting, with plenty of hands-on practice. Some photos follow:

(last photo above courtesy of Megan)

Another highlight of the past week was our visit to Xi’an No. 3 Hospital, where the Director and other staff gave us a briefing after which we toured different departments of the hospital, concluding with visits to several patients in the pediatric department, for whom we brought toys and goodies. To conclude this post, here are some photos of our hospital visit: